sudo kextunload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
sudo kextload /System/Library/Extensions/AppleHDA.kext
Live and Learn
The more a man knows, the more he discovers his ignorance.
Mac OS下编译安装GCC
1. 主要是按这篇文章的方法编译安装GCC 4.9.0
2. 安装到编译gcc时出错,提示 /usr/include 目录不存在,google之后才发现是因为只安装了xcode而没有安装 command line tools 的原因,执行以下命令安装:
xcode-select --install
3. 然后再按步骤继续编译,结果又有错误提示 Bootstrap comparison failure!
4. 尝试运行 make distclean 命令清理掉之前编译中间文件后重试。
5. 安装成功。
2. 安装到编译gcc时出错,提示 /usr/include 目录不存在,google之后才发现是因为只安装了xcode而没有安装 command line tools 的原因,执行以下命令安装:
xcode-select --install
3. 然后再按步骤继续编译,结果又有错误提示 Bootstrap comparison failure!
4. 尝试运行 make distclean 命令清理掉之前编译中间文件后重试。
5. 安装成功。
B+ Tree implementation in Java
The most commonly implemented form of the B-Tree is the B+ Tree. The difference between them is that the internal nodes of B+ tree do not store records; they are used for navigation only.
★ Definition of B+ Tree
A B+ Tree of order m has these properties:
- The root is either a leaf or has at least two children;
- Each internal node, except for the root, has between ⎡m/2⎤ and m children;
- Internal nodes do not store record, only store key values to guild the search;
- Each leaf node, has between ⎡m/2⎤ and m keys and values;
- Leaf node store keys and records or pointers to records;
- All leaves are at the same level in the tree, so the tree is always height balanced.
★ Algorithms
★ Implementation
★ Source Code
Source code can be found at here.
★ Definition of B+ Tree
A B+ Tree of order m has these properties:
- The root is either a leaf or has at least two children;
- Each internal node, except for the root, has between ⎡m/2⎤ and m children;
- Internal nodes do not store record, only store key values to guild the search;
- Each leaf node, has between ⎡m/2⎤ and m keys and values;
- Leaf node store keys and records or pointers to records;
- All leaves are at the same level in the tree, so the tree is always height balanced.
★ Algorithms
- Do binary search on keys in current node.
- When current node is a leaf node:
- If search key is found, then return record.
- If search key is not found, then report an unsuccessful search.
- When current node is an internal node:
- If search key < key_0, then repeat the search process on the first branch of current node.
- If search key >= key_last, then repeat the search process on the last branch of current node.
- Otherwise, find the first key_i >= key, and repeat the search process on the (i+1) branch of current node.
- Perform a search to determine which leaf node the new key should go into.
- If the node is not full, insert the new key, done!
- Otherwise, split the leaf node.
- Allocate a new leaf node and move half keys to the new node.
- Insert the new leaf's smallest key into the parent node.
- If the parent is full, split it too, repeat the split process above until a parent is found that need not split.
- If the root splits, create a new root which has one key and two children.
- Perform a search to determine which leaf node contains the key.
- Remove the key from the leaf node.
- If the leaf node is at least half-full, done!
- If the leaf node as L is less than half-full:
- Try to borrow a key from sibling node as S (adjacent node with same parent)
- If S is L's left sibling, then borrow S's last key, and replace their parent navigate key with this borrowed key value.
- If S is L's right sibling, then borrow S's first key, and replace their parent navigate key with S's second key value.
- If can not borrow a key from sibling node, then merge L and sibling S
- After merged L and S, delete their parent navigate key and proper child pointer.
- Repeat the borrow or merge operation on parent node, perhaps propagate to root node and decrease the height of the tree.
★ Source Code
Source code can be found at here.
Install MonoDevelop under Mac OS X
- Download and install.
- Bug fix: ASP.NET MVC 3 missing System.Web.WebPages
- Bug fix: Access “/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.2.4/etc/mono/registry” is denied
- sudo mkdir /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.2.4/etc/mono/registry
- sudo chmod g+rwx /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/3.2.4/etc/mono/registry
- solutions
- Bug fix: Specified version is "", but the version in bin is "".
- Open Web.config, change the line
to - solutions
- Bug fix: Storage scopes cannot be created when _AppStart is executing.
- delete Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll from references
- solutions
Helpful links:
- Does the Razor View Engine work for Mono?
- Setup ASP.NET MVC 4 on MonoDevelop 4.1
- Running MCV 3 applications with Xamarin Studio/MonoDevelop
Index of Machine Learning resources
- Linear Algebra
- Statistics
- Probability
- Calculus - single and multi-variable and differential equations
- Linear and convex optimization
- Python, Java
- Other programming knowledge
Online Courses
- Andrew Ng: Machine Learning at Coursera
- Yaser S. Abu-Mostafa: Learning From Data, Introductory Machine Learning Course at Caltech, edX
- Iowa State University: Machine Learning
- MIT: Machine Learning
- Gilbert Strang: Linear Algebra Course
- Standford SEE Courses
- JavaScript完整的实现: ECMAScript、DOM(Document Object Model)、BOM(Browser Object Model)
- 数据类型:null、undefined、boolean、string、number、object、function
- 字符串是值类型,且不可变
- 函数参数:实际上为一数组,可通过 arguments 进行访问;函数调用时传参与函数声明无关;arguments.callee 指向当前的函数对象
- JavaScript没有块级作用域,变量作用域最低层次为函数,故在两大括号代码段内声明的变量在该函数后续代码内仍可访问。
- 数据的length属性不是只读的,可以通过设置该属性调整数组长度
- 数组支持 push、pop、shift 等方法,从而可轻易实现栈和队列
- Function 实际上是对象,函数名就是指向函数对象的指针,也可以理解为一变量
- this 引用的是函数据以执行操作的对象,如果是在全局作用域下执行,则引用的是 window
- 函数是对象,所以有属性(length、prototype、caller)和方法(apply、call)
- 基本类型对应的包装类型:Boolean、Number、String
- 在调用基本类型的方法或属性时,会创建基本类型对应的引用类型,然后销毁
- 两个全局内置对象: Global、Math
- JavaScript没有类和接口,但是支持OOP
- JavaScript面向对象编程实际上就是利用Function是对象的特性而展开的
- 对象的prototype相当于类的元信息,很重要,是实现继承的关键
- 匿名函数
- 闭包,指有权访问另一个函数作用域中的变量的函数。
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