- Considering your assignment
- Thinking about your audiences
- Identifying your purpose
- Gathering your ideas (brainstorming)
(1) How to chose a good topic?
broad subject -> narrow topic
find a good topic
(2) Audience Analysis
- Who is your primary audience? And secondary audience?
- What's their age?
- What's their gender?
- Why are they reading your writing?
- How much do they have known about your topic?
- How do they feel about your topic? Are they receptive, hostile, or somewhere in between?
- Your topic
- The level of interest
- The level of knowledge
- The words, jargon, or specialized language you used
- The length and types of sentences you write
- The length of your documents
- Your style - your figures of speech
- The tone - your attitude toward your materials
- To describe
- To persuade
- To narrate
- To explain
- Listing ideas: free association
- Webbing: clustering, mapping, or mind mapping
- Charting
- Venn diagram -- especially helpful for a comparison/contrast essay ( two circles )
- Storyboard -- shows the events of a story in chronological order
- Two-column chart -- very useful when writing about two related people, places, things, or ideas
- Freewriting: simple start just writing, don't do any planning, just let your brain roam
- Asking questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
Resource Links:
- http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTg4NTkyNjA=.html
- http://www.videoaidedinstruction.com/studyguides.html
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